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The Community Volunteer Fire Department makes every effort to comply with requests for public records while ensuring compliance to Federal (HIPAA) Laws for Protected Health Information. There may be a fee required. 

Take me to:

For all other inquiries, please email

or call (281) 498-1310

HIPAA Notice: The Community Volunteer Fire Department is required by law to maintain the privacy of certain confidential health care information, known as Protected Health Information or PHI, and to provide you with a notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your PHI. This notice describes your legal rights, advises you of our privacy practices, and lets you know how the Community Volunteer Fire Department is permitted to use and disclose PHI about you. HIPAA Notice

Emergency Medical Reports & Billing Records

Requests via mail, fax, or email are no longer processed. Please submit the request via ChartSwap using the following steps:


1. Register at as a Record Requestor


2. Sign in and search for:


Community Volunteer Fire Department

16003 Bellaire Blvd

Houston TX 77083

(720) 900-0101


3. Enter Request Details, then Upload Supporting Documents


Once your request has been reviewed and records available, you will receive a notification and invoice which you can pay with a check or credit/debit card. 


ChartSwap is a HIPAA compliant platform launched to facilitate electronic medical and billing record exchange between medical providers and law firms, and other requesting parties. It is free to register, and requestors can use ChartSwap to request, track, pay for and download medical records. 


Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information

Fire Incident Reports

Fire Incident Reports contain information regarding suppression efforts and will not list cause & origin details. These reports may be obtained via the following form:

The cost per record is $25

Must have date, time, and location of incident.


Mail Requests to:

Community Volunteer Fire Department

Attn: Fire Records

PO Box 506

Alief, TX 77411


Request in person:

Community Volunteer Fire Department

Administration Building

16003 Bellaire Blvd

Houston, TX 77083

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm


Request by email:

Send form to


Cause & Origin reports, or reports for fires of suspicious origin may be obtained from the Fire marshal's Office.


Subpoenas may be served in person at the following address or faxed to 281-564-3260


Community Volunteer Fire Department

Administration Building

16003 Bellaire Blvd

Houston, TX 77083

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm


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