The Community Volunteer Fire Department has adopted the Knox Rapid Entry System as the standard to be used for emergency entry to commercial properties.

The system is a high security key system designed to give firefighters immediate access to locked buildings or secured areas after hours when the building is unoccupied. Rapid entry during an emergency helps protect both lives and property.
The devices ordered will be shipped directly to you from the Knox Company. Depending on the type of device ordered, it will arrive either locked or unlocked. These devices are keyed specifically to the Department and only select units within the Department are supplied with the necessary keys.
Follow the installation directions included with the device. Once you are ready to place the device into service, you will need to contact US and request assistance in locking the device. This process allows for the strict control of the keys as well as notifying the emergency crews of new devices in their area.
Knox Boxes installed within CVFD's boundaries must be keyed to the proper lock. If your lock does not match our key, you must submit a Knox re-key form signed by our agency. For assistance, please contact us at: (281) 498-1310.
How to Purchase a Lock in Fort Bend County
Step 1: Visit CVFD's Knox Box Website to purchase a lock.
Step 2: Ensure the following information is located in the “You're Shopping” tab in the top left corner.
Your location: Texas
Local fire department/agency: "Community Vol Fire Department"
Step 3: Once you receive your lock, contact us at (281) 498-1310 to open the Knox Box for installation.
How to Purchase a Lock in Harris County
Step 1: Visit Harris County's Knox Box Website to purchase a lock.
Step 2: Ensure the following information is located in the “You're Shopping” tab in the top left corner.
Your location: Texas
Local fire department/agency: "Harris Co Fire Marshals Office"
Step 3: Is your business residential or commercial?
Harris Co Fire Marshals Office
HUMBLE, TX 77396-3503
Residential Use ONLY - HomeBoxes
Harris Co Fire Marshals Office
HUMBLE, TX 77396-3503
Unincorporated Areas of Harris County
Step 4: Once you receive your lock, contact us at (281) 498-1310 to open the Knox Box for installation.