The Command Staff is responsible for providing direction, oversight, and control of both the administrative and operational functions of the Department. These members control the department’s annual budget, as well as develop and implement policies to ensure the continued quality of service through the effective use of resources. Additionally, the Assistant Chiefs manage personnel assigned to the department’s various divisions.

Bobby Clark
Fire Chief

Johnny Mitchell
Assistant Fire Chief
Josh Taylor
Assistant Chief of EMS
Lina Alvarado
Assistant Chief

Chris Armatta
Deputy Chief
Special Operations

Kirk Henderson
Deputy Chief

Christopher Stephens M.D.
Medical Director
Fire Chief
The Fire Chief is the highest-ranking officer of the fire department, directly responsible for the efficient operation of the entire organization. Responsibilities include oversight of all personnel, strategic planning, policy development, and fiscal management.
Assistant Fire Chief
The Assistant Fire Chief is responsible for the administration and coordination of the department’s operations including emergency response, and all supporting divisions. Responsibilities include strategic planning, policy development, and oversight of all operations related to fire suppression, prevention, and professional development.
Assistant Chief of EMS
The Assistant Chief of EMS is responsible for the administration and coordination of the activities, personnel, and resources of the Emergency Medical Services Division of the Department. Responsibilities include strategic planning, policy development, and oversight of all operations related to emergency medical services.
Assistant Chief of Administration
The Assistant Chief of Administration is responsible for the administrative functions of the department including project management, human resources, information technology, and managing financial activities.
Deputy Chief of Logistics
The Deputy Chief of Logistics is responsible for maintaining the department’s assets including fleet, facilities, and equipment necessary for day-to-day operations.
Deputy Chief of Special Operations
The Deputy Chief of Special Operations oversees the planning, staffing, and response aspects of the Special Operations Division.
Medical Director
The Medical Director is responsible for all medical aspects of pre-hospital patient care. The Medical Director has the authority to approve the level of pre-hospital care which may be rendered by each of the department's members, establish and monitor compliance with field performance guidelines, and establish/monitor training standards.